
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2020

Post 4: My favorite festivity.

Halloween o " Samhain " is a Celta tradition. That it´s related to the "end of summer", the pagan ancestors consider that during the night of 31st October, the spirits of the dead returned to visit the world of the alive. hundreds of years ago, the celts desguised and they lit big bongfire to confuse and drive away evil spirits . the goblins, the spirits, the shadow and the ghost are some of the entities that make their way from the other world to haunt the Irish people during the Halloween holiday . Among the many specters that haunt this day are those that represent the four aspects of Samhain ; light, darkness, mischief and change.   Samhain is still celebrated as of today, in the ancestral East of Ireland in the Puca´s fest. I consider that among existing celebrations tin the year, Halloween becomes for me one of the most interesting and fun, since several of traditions of the Samhain are still present today, its mysteries, its mystique and its magic are st

Post 3: My favorite piece of technology.

My favorite piece of technology, is the computer, given the series of opportunities and advantages that it gives us. I got it last year, after having worked and saved for a few months. And I use it to read books, research of my interest and do recreational activities such as playing games adventure stories, watch movies terror, blood, horror and action series.  Currently for the pandemic, I use the computer daily, and sometimes I have occupied it more than once a day. I like it a lot because with this I can learn anything on internet. I think that my life would be different without it, I can`t understand or know new things and I can`t have my classes, which would bring great difficuties for my academic life.